Down Syndrome · Uncategorized

21 Facts About Ethan for World Down Syndrome Day

In case you are not in ‘the know’, World Down Syndrome Day is on 3/21 because Down Syndrome is caused by 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. Cute, right? Just like our guys. Today’s date has 2 ’21’s in the date – I think that calls for special celebratory methods. Here are 21 fun facts… Continue reading 21 Facts About Ethan for World Down Syndrome Day


Acupuncture For Shingles – And Everything Else

Several years ago, I sought acupuncture treatment for a series of headaches I had been having for weeks. That first experience ended in a full-blown panic attack complete with sweat pouring off my body and severe nausea. I learned two things – acupuncture was capable of eliciting VERY acute responses and that I had chosen… Continue reading Acupuncture For Shingles – And Everything Else

Down Syndrome · Uncategorized

25 Years of Down Syndrome – October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

In the days, weeks and months following Ethan’s birth, my first thought each time I opened my eyes was “I have a baby with Down syndrome.” It was profound and all-consuming. His diagnosis loomed large in my mind. He was a tiny, fragile, bird-like porcelain doll. He was absolutely adorable. But his diagnosis was a… Continue reading 25 Years of Down Syndrome – October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month